D O L L H O U S E ✩

what is this place? ✩

    this neocities page is a replacement for a carrd, here i will keep information about myself, my ocs, and possibly even keep a diary. chances are i will keep things i like here as well, and later on i will probably link other cute sites and my friends carrds. as i get better at coding more and more will be added, so stay tuned! if you are a friend of mine and you would like to be featured on this page in the future shoot me a dm when i am fronting!

wip ✩


my oc, xen ✩


daily diary ✩

    6/28/2023 ||

    6/27/2023 || today is the first day of having this website up, and while i am not fully done with it (unsure if i ever will be,) i am very proud of it already! it feels good to have something a little more complex than a carrd, even if it looks somewhat shitty.

say hello! ✩